Tuesday, November 18, 2008


My niece, Elisabeth, tagged me....so here goes:

8 things I'm passionate about:

*Loving my 3 (and one on the way) grandbabies
*My faith
*Making sure Evan doesn't feel abandoned EVER!
*Keeping my marriage of 30 years alive with new things
*Faithful and trustworthy friends
*Always looking great
*Eating right
*Quiet time EVERY day

8 Things that happened yesterday:
*Cooked up some delicious homemade chicken soup
*Did 3 loads of laundry
*Christmas shopped!
*Ate a yummy Honey Crisp Apple
*Enjoyed a fresh hazelnut cup of coffee and read the newspaper
*Kissed my husband
*Talked with my son on the phone for more than 30 minutes (amazing)!
*Watched my favorite Monday night show, Dancing with the Stars!

8 Things I do now:
*Make the bed EVERY morning.
*Check e-mail 3-4 times a day (I'm obsessed!)
*Read WAY TOO many blogs.
*Love to cook!
*Love being a grandmother
*Have a difficult relationship with my daughter
*Obsess about having my house clean ALL the time
*Hate getting old

8 Things I can not do:
*See ANYTHING without my glasses (it's that getting old thing!)
*Stay out late
*Love my children more than I love my grandchildren (just wait...it will happen to you!)
*Make bread like my mother
*Go a whole day without checking e-mail
*Love my daughter as Jesus would (ouch)
*Clean toilets (I hate it....)

8 Things I often say....
*Mark: What did you have for lunch?
*Mark: What do you want for supper?
*Mark: Did you have a good day? (are you seeing a pattern here?)
*Evan: You are at Nani's house, sit down to pee-pee....(Smile!)
*Evan: Do you want apple juice or chocolate milk?
*Evan: Are you ready for your bath?
*Bryan: How are the babies?
*to my mom and daddy: Can I come home and just be a kid again?

8 Favorite TV shows:
*Rachel Ray
*Dancing with the Stars
*American Idol
*Ace Cakes
*any thing on the food network
*6:00 news

8 Favorite Foods
*Chuy's Cobb salad
*Chuy's jalapeno creamy sauce
*Jason's Deli - chicken salad
*Honey Crisp apples
*Zesta Saltine crackers and real butter
*homemade chicken noodle soup
*mom's orange/carrot cookies
*chili made with Hammett House seasoning

8 Things you may not know about me:
*I was a dancer for 13 years, then drill team all through high school and college.
*My hair is totally white, but I color it auburn so I will look younger!
*I would love to simplify life, sell everything and go with Mark and work in a State park somewhere.
*I hated school, especially math.
*I loved teaching high school business.
*I love peace and quiet.
*Evan (my 4 year old grandson) taught me more about myself and how to love than I could have ever learned from a book or class.
*Faith, Hope and Love were blessings instilled in me by my parents and I wonder every day why I wasn't able to instill those blessings in my daughter.