Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Scooters, crickets, lemonade and such . . .

Summer's here . . . remember the feeling!

No more homework, sleeping late, no worries, no cares, swimming, shopping, slumber parties, church camp . . . . .oh, to be a kid again. Well, I don't want to re-live those growing up years, but it would be nice to not have any responsibilities, bills or well, you know, grown-up junk. Don't get me wrong, I love my life right now, but it would feel great to just put the brain on coast for a few weeks. I guess that's what vacations are for.

Ah, yes, vacation! Oh so fun, I despise the packing, getting ready, but I LOVE getting there, the travel, a different place, different food, the adventure of it all. I do miss sleeping in my bed though. . . doesn't everyone say that when we get in this "tween" stage. I guess our backs want that familiar night-time feeling for our rest periods. I think the older I get, the more stingy I get with my sleep particulars . . . . meaning, I love sleeping with my "white noise" machine. In fact, I can't sleep without it . . . and then I think "who in the world invented it" probably some wife whose husband snored! Oh well, such is life and our little sleep things.....

This little guy in the picture is Cooper, grandson #2. He turned 2 in this picture and is riding a scooter that we got him for his birthday. We were amazed that a 2 year old could balance and be coordinated enough to ride a scooter!!! But he was incredible on this little thing....and I snapped this picture because I love his little short legs and the "boyish" nature of it all. Don't you wish you could just get on a scooter and roll down the sidewalk and just dream of days gone by . . . and think about being a kid again. . . .this picture makes me think of my own childhood memories.

It's good to take time and think about those memories . . . so grab a lemonade, and go sit on your patio this summer, listen to the crickets and remember your own childhood . . . riding bikes, and scooters and such.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

To my mom . . . my hero . . .

The greatest lady that I have ever known. . . . . a survivor of cancer, a joy-giver, an inspirational speaker, a hope-fulfiller, a hug-maker, a serving angel of God. Her energy is contagious and all around her leave with a smile and a joy-filled heart.
I'm so proud and honored to call her my mom. Happy Birthday today. God blessed me when he chose you to be my mom . . . my forever friend . . . I love you so much. . .